Swollen tonsils

Definition They are located on each side in the rear part of the oral cavity. According to their name they look almond-shaped. Since the oral cavity is in constant contact with the outside world and possible pathogens, the almonds form a kind of “first defense barrier”. In the case of a possible danger of the … Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils due to stress | Swollen tonsils

Swollen tonsils due to stress Swollen tonsils, as a sign of an activated body’s own defense system, can be caused by stress. In stressful situations, the body releases various hormones that permanently influence the body’s own defense system. Some studies report that permanent negative stress, so-called stress can lead to increased susceptibility to infections. In … Swollen tonsils due to stress | Swollen tonsils

Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils | Swollen tonsils

Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils Swollen palatal tonsils often cause swallowing difficulties. A swollen lingual tonsil also causes similar complaints. The swallowing problems can be mild to severe. Since the swollen tonsils sometimes very strongly constrict the exit of the oral cavity, eating can be extremely painful to hardly possible. A doctor should definitely be … Swallowing difficulties with swollen tonsils | Swollen tonsils

Sublingual Gland: Structure, Function & Diseases

The sublingual gland is the smallest of the three major salivary glands in humans and is located below the tongue. It produces a mixed secretion consisting mainly of mucous, mucoid components. The salivary gland is divided into two sections, the glandula sublingualis major, a contiguous glandular structure, and the glandulae sublinguales minores, smaller glandular packets, … Sublingual Gland: Structure, Function & Diseases

Pain on the tongue

Introduction The tongue is formed by a very mobile interplay of muscle strands in the oral cavity, which serves to crush food, form speech, transport food and perceive taste. But what if this large muscle hurts and causes problems? The oral cavity is a site of many diseases and often a mirror image of the … Pain on the tongue

Symptoms | Pain on the tongue

Symptoms The symptoms can either appear only for a short period of time or can extend over a longer period of time. As soon as the day draws nearer to evening, the pain usually increases. Women more often suffer from a problem with the tongue. Research has shown that such complaints are particularly common during … Symptoms | Pain on the tongue

Diagnostics | Pain on the tongue

Diagnostics In case of uncertainty or symptoms that do not subside, a visit to the doctor is advisable in any case. Procrastinating can make the situation worse and a serious illness remains undetected. A possible infection could spread, swallowing could become increasingly difficult, the pain could become chronic or respiratory distress could occur. Often the … Diagnostics | Pain on the tongue

Pathophysiology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Academic pathophysiology is a medical subfield within pathology. It deals with the study of pathologically altered bodily functions (pathology) as well as the changes in the body (physiology) of a living being. The medical term goes back to the Greek language. Pathos means suffering and physis means body and nature. What is pathophysiology? Pathophysiology deals … Pathophysiology: Treatment, Effects & Risks