Therapy | Pain in the knee – What do I have?

Therapy Usually a general pain therapy is indicated. Depending on the intensity of pain, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and diclofenac are used. Some knee joint diseases and especially injuries are treated surgically. These include, for example, torn meniscus and ligaments, frequent diagnoses after an injury. The operation is usually performed by means of arthroscopy (mirroring, keyhole … Therapy | Pain in the knee – What do I have?

Pain in the knee – What do I have?

Synonyms in a broader sense Knee pain, knee joint pain, meniscus damage, cruciate ligament rupture, knee arthrosis Introduction Knee joint pain can have a variety of causes. They are important in the search for the right diagnosis: Knee pain can be caused by problems with the joint itself or by disease patterns that damage the … Pain in the knee – What do I have?

Cartilage Transplantation

Synonyms Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation (ACT) Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) Autologous cartilage cell transplantation (AKZT) Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that occurs in the body in different places – for example, in the nasal malleolus or auricles – but also in joints. Depending on the type of cartilage, its consistency lies somewhere between solid … Cartilage Transplantation

Treatment concept | Cartilage Transplantation

Treatment concept Using a minimally invasive key-hole technique (arthroscopy), a small amount of cartilage cells (chondroblasts) is removed from a healthy, low-density cartilage area (around 250 milligrams) and cultivated in a nutrient solution (this can be either patient blood or an artificial alternative) in the laboratory. After about two to six weeks, the cells have … Treatment concept | Cartilage Transplantation

Meniscus ganglion

Definition A meniscus ganglion is a connective tissue cyst filled with synovial fluid or a gelatinous mass. It can develop at the base of the inner meniscus or, more frequently, the outer meniscus and usually has no connection to the joint cavity or the body surface. Since signs of wear and tear of the meniscus … Meniscus ganglion