Physical Therapy: Indication, Method, Procedure

What is physiotherapy? Physiotherapy treats restrictions in the body’s ability to move and function and is a medically prescribed remedy. It is a useful supplement and sometimes alternative to surgery or medication. In addition to physiotherapeutic exercises, physiotherapy also includes physical measures, massages and manual lymph drainage. Physiotherapy can be performed on an inpatient basis … Physical Therapy: Indication, Method, Procedure

Chronic Pain: Treatment, Causes

Brief overview Treatment: pain medication, physical therapy, exercise therapy, psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, complementary procedures (e.g. acupuncture, osteopathy), multimodal pain therapy, outpatient pain clinic Causes: physical disorder alone or combined with concomitant mental disorders, primarily mental disorders, most common chronic pain disorders (e.g., headaches, back pain, muscle and joint pain) When to see a doctor? If … Chronic Pain: Treatment, Causes

Soft Capsules

Products Various drugs and dietary supplements are commercially available in the form of soft capsules. Active ingredients administered with this dosage form include, for example, pain relievers (e.g., diclofenac, ibuprofen, acetaminophen), retinoids such as isotretinoin, thyroid hormones, cytostatics, ginseng, vitamins, and fatty oils such as fish oil, krill oil, linseed oil, and wheat germ oil. … Soft Capsules

Pain Therapy: Stepchild of Medicine

Many people fear getting sick. And almost everyone is afraid of pain. Pain is initially a protective mechanism: it signals to us that something is wrong in our body. If the cause passes, but the pain remains, it becomes an illness itself – and often a long path of suffering for those affected. Pain therapy: … Pain Therapy: Stepchild of Medicine

Anesthesia: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Anesthesia is a medical procedure with which the physical sensation of pain and certain functions of the body are switched off. It is used to perform surgical procedures or diagnostic procedures painlessly for the patient. What is anesthesia? Unlike local anesthesia, in which the elimination of pain involves only specific regions of the body, general … Anesthesia: Treatment, Effects & Risks