Various LOCALISATIONS | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

Various LOCALISATIONS The acute and usually painful swelling of the cervical lymph nodes occurs in infections of the respiratory tract (nose and throat). Besides bacteria, viruses also play a role in this disease pattern. Due to the decreasing willingness to vaccinate and many vaccination opponents, whooping cough can also be a possible triggering basic disease. … Various LOCALISATIONS | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

Swelling of lymph nodes in the CHILD | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

Swelling of lymph nodes in the CHILD Lymph account swellings on the neck in children are very common as a natural defense reaction and rarely give cause for concern.In children, the immune system has yet to develop because it is constantly coming into contact with previously unknown pathogens. This is why children who have a … Swelling of lymph nodes in the CHILD | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

Lymph node swelling in the pregnancy | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

Lymph node swelling in the pregnancy If you notice a swollen lymph node in yourself or your child, the question arises as to what you should do. First of all it makes sense to continue to observe the lymph node. Especially in children, the lymph nodes are often so large that they can be palpated … Lymph node swelling in the pregnancy | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

Further SYMPTOME in case of swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

Further SYMPTOME in case of swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck The swelling of lymph nodes in the neck is a symptom in itself. Healthy lymph nodes are usually not palpable, except in very slim people and children. However, the presence of other symptoms may be indicative of the cause of the swelling … Further SYMPTOME in case of swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

THERAPY of swelling of lymph nodes in the neck | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

THERAPY of swelling of lymph nodes in the neck As a rule, swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck does not require a specific therapy. The underlying disease, such as an infection, is decisive for the therapeutic measure. Often, however, a simple infection does not require a specific therapy. These are usually caused by … THERAPY of swelling of lymph nodes in the neck | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

DURATION of swelling of lymph nodes in the neck | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

DURATION of swelling of lymph nodes in the neck How long a lymph node swelling lasts cannot be answered in a generalized way and always depends on the cause. If it occurs in the context of an inflammation, the swelling of the lymph nodes should also decrease with healing. If necessary, this can be delayed … DURATION of swelling of lymph nodes in the neck | Swelling of lymph nodes in the neck – how dangerous is that?

Antiparasitics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Antiparasitics are used in the control of various parasites. They act against parasites that live on the host (ectoparasites) as well as parasites that infest the inside of the host (endoparasites). There are also preparations that act against both forms of parasites at the same time. What are antiparasitic drugs? Antiparasitics fight the many different … Antiparasitics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Fever with aching limbs

What is fever with aching limbs? If fever occurs together with aching limbs, this often indicates an infection. This can be of bacterial, viral or parasitic cause. The symptoms are an expression of the fight between the immune system and the pathogen. Pain in limbs or muscles is caused by the immune cells producing certain … Fever with aching limbs

Treatment of fever and aching limbs | Fever with aching limbs

Treatment of fever and aching limbs The treatment also depends on the cause. A common cold is usually treated purely symptomatically. This means that the cause is not eliminated, but only the symptoms are alleviated. Sufficient rest and sleep are crucial for the healing process. Furthermore, drinking is extremely important. On the one hand, the … Treatment of fever and aching limbs | Fever with aching limbs