Waiting Time At the Doctor

20, 30 or 40 minutes: That you have to wait at the doctor’s despite an appointment is the rule in many German medical practices. Not infrequently, patients even have to put up with relatively long waiting times. But why is that? And what waiting time is still reasonable for a patient? We inform you extensively … Waiting Time At the Doctor

Who was Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch?

Sauerbruch was the leading German surgeon in the first half of the 20th century. He became known in 1904 at the 33rd Congress of the German Society of Surgery. There he introduced the “pressure differential procedure” he had developed, providing the basis for open-chest surgery. At that time, patients in torax surgery, as a result … Who was Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch?

Trauma Medicine (Traumatology)

Even if the term sounds like it – traumatology has nothing to do with sweet dreams, but with painful reality. Its German counterpart, Unfallheilkunde, tends to evoke the right associations. Trauma in Greek means “wound, injury”. On the one hand, the term means any impact that damages the organism (“traumatizes”), e.g., an accident or a … Trauma Medicine (Traumatology)

Trauma Medicine (Traumatology): History

Surgical interventions are already known from prehistoric and early times: There, not only wounds were treated, but also skulls were opened by scraping or drilling, fractures were treated, or obstetric techniques were practiced. The oldest document in which trauma surgery procedures are described (Papyrus Edwin Smith) comes from Egypt and is estimated to have been … Trauma Medicine (Traumatology): History

Decubitus Ulcer: Pressure Ulcer and Bedsores: Prevention is the Best Therapy

A pressure sore is tissue damage caused by high and prolonged pressure when patients are bedridden for extended periods of time. Ulcers develop in the areas where patients lie on their backs, often over the sacrum or coccyx or on outer ankles – this is referred to as “bedsores.” The affected areas of the body … Decubitus Ulcer: Pressure Ulcer and Bedsores: Prevention is the Best Therapy

Men and Migraine: Shirkers, Slackers

“Migraines are headaches, even if you don’t have any” – with this thesis, Erich Kästner already declared all migraine patients to be malingerers in his book “Pünktchen und Anton”. In the case of women, who actually suffer from migraines more frequently than men, the sometimes excruciating pain is increasingly accepted as a genuine complaint. But … Men and Migraine: Shirkers, Slackers