Duration of pain/symptoms | How long is the duration of a herniated disc?

Duration of pain/symptoms

In the case of a herniated disc, the intervertebral discs push into the area of the spine where the spinal cord is located, i.e. the area containing nerve tracts. These nerve tracts are mechanically irritated by the disc and can cause severe pain. It is important to remember that the majority of herniated discs are asymptomatic and cause no pain.

If pain is present, it is usually very pronounced and usually restricts the ability to move. In these cases, the attending physician can prescribe painkillers to relieve the pain. The pain can be so severe that drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol are not enough and it may even be necessary to use opioid-containing drugs.

How long the pain and symptoms last depends on the individual course of the disease. In most cases, after conservative therapy the pain subsides after a few weeks, although it is possible to switch to less strong painkillers. After about six weeks most herniated discs heal with conservative therapy, painless and without symptoms.

In the case of a herniated disc, the prolapsed disc presses on the part of the spine containing the spinal cord with many sensitive fibres. This mechanical irritation of the nerve fibres can cause very severe pain. In the majority of cases, patients are completely pain-free again after about six weeks and can move freely.

In rare cases, there is no improvement even after several weeks. This can be the case if important nerve tracts are very unluckily pinched. In this case a relieving operative therapy can be considered.

However, even an operation in these cases does not guarantee complete freedom from pain, renewed slipped discs are not rare. Alternatively, in case of chronic pain, physiotherapy and special back schools can be used, as well as an adequate pain therapy suitable for the long-term course of treatment is essential. Since a herniated disc is usually very painful, the treating physician will first of all put the person concerned on sick leave.

Nevertheless, it is important to remain active and carry out normal everyday activities as quickly as possible. Studies have shown that strict bed rest after a herniated disc is unfavorable for healing, while exercise is good for the healing process. For this reason, the attending physician usually prescribes physiotherapy in addition to the necessary medication.

The duration of the sick leave depends on the individual complaints and the type of work. For example, someone who works hard at work may be on sick leave significantly longer after a slipped disc than someone who is physically less challenged. Thus, no general answer can be given to how long someone remains on sick leave after a herniated disc. The individual symptomatology, as well as the type of work, decides in these cases on the duration of the sick leave.