How do you get white teeth?

Introduction In our society, aesthetics and good looks are tending to play an increasingly important role. For this reason, most people do not only want to have healthy and caries-free teeth, but above all beautiful, straight and white teeth. Teeth can take on a yellow or grayish shade due to various factors. In addition to … How do you get white teeth?

Whiter teeth through bleaching | How do you get white teeth?

Whiter teeth through bleaching Bleaching at home Since a bleaching session at the dentist is usually very expensive, many people suffering from discoloration ask themselves how they can get beautiful white teeth in a cheap way. For this reason, various manufacturers offer inexpensive bleaching products for home use. These products usually have a good whitening … Whiter teeth through bleaching | How do you get white teeth?

How to get white teeth without damaging them? | How do you get white teeth?

How to get white teeth without damaging them? Tooth whitening without damaging the teeth is possible. Most tooth darkening is caused by plaque or discoloration from certain foods such as coffee, tea, red wine or the consumption of nicotine. These discolorations can be removed by a professional tooth cleaning (short: PZR) at the dentist within … How to get white teeth without damaging them? | How do you get white teeth?

Procedure for HLA determination | HLA – Human Leukocyte Antigen

Procedure for HLA determination HLA can be determined in four different ways. In each case, tissue from both donor and recipient is required. The exact determination of the structure of the HLA is done with the so-called antigen determination. The process of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used for this. In this process cells … Procedure for HLA determination | HLA – Human Leukocyte Antigen

Evaluation of the HLA values | HLA – Human Leukocyte Antigen

Evaluation of the HLA values The costs of a typing are about 50€. If the typing has to be very detailed, the costs can be higher. In the last years the effort and therefore the costs could be reduced strongly by the mechanical evaluation. All articles in this series: HLA – Human Leukocyte Antigen Procedure … Evaluation of the HLA values | HLA – Human Leukocyte Antigen