Whiter teeth through bleaching | How do you get white teeth?

Whiter teeth through bleaching

  • Bleaching at home Since a bleaching session at the dentist is usually very expensive, many people suffering from discoloration ask themselves how they can get beautiful white teeth in a cheap way. For this reason, various manufacturers offer inexpensive bleaching products for home use. These products usually have a good whitening effect and can be used by users with healthy enamel without any concerns.

    In direct comparison to bleaching in the dental practice, however, the results are not very convincing. The results of the usual household remedies, tooth whitening toothpastes and even a bleaching at home generally cannot keep up with the whitening effect of a dental treatment.

Bleaching strips are available in most drugstores. These are strips that contain low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and are applied to the teeth at home.

It is therefore the cost-effective alternative to professional bleaching at the dentist. However, it should always be remembered that the hydrogen peroxide it contains is a highly corrosive chemical. Therefore, you should follow the instructions carefully to minimize the risk of damage. Despite correct use, side effects such as toothache can occur.

How to get white teeth without bleaching?

The human tooth color is very individual and genetically predetermined. Some people are already blessed with the brightest tooth color and their teeth cannot be whitened. Most, however, have a shade that does not satisfy them.The dentist promises a whitening by a maximum of 2 tooth shades during a dental treatment in the dental office.

The media often advertise toothpaste, whitening pens or whitening strips that are supposed to lighten the tooth by 10 shades. However, the companies usually do not use the dental color scale, but their own. Therefore, this whitening is not satisfactory for many users and does not have the desired whitening effect.

Furthermore, whitening agents from the drugstore market often consist of very coarse, large-grained particles that attack the enamel and can aggressively damage it. When brushing the teeth, the particles lead to a strong abrasion, the so-called abrasion. Since the enamel protects the tooth and cannot grow back, the tooth is weakened and can become sensitive to pain.

Home remedies such as the use of fruits like strawberries and lemons also promise a whitening effect based on fruit acid. The acid roughens the tooth enamel, which can then be more easily removed when brushing the teeth, and thus damages them severely. However, with any form of dental prosthesis, the tooth must be ground down, whereby hard tooth substance is removed.

The use of dentures is only subsidized by the health insurance company if the teeth are so stressed by caries that this is necessary. In this case, however, the creation of dentures is a purely private service for cosmetic reasons only. These methods are therefore not advisable for a gentle and long-lasting effect.