Congenital Heart Defects: Forms

All forms of congenital heart defects can be classified into one of the following three broad groups. Most common are congenital heart defects in the form of short circuits with left-to-right shunts – most notably, ventricular septal defect in nearly one-third of cases. Less common are congenital heart defects with right-to-left shunt. The following is … Congenital Heart Defects: Forms

Side effects and risks of anesthesia

Complications and side effects of anesthesia Against the background of modern technology, anaesthesia and general anaesthesia are very safe procedures. Despite the fact that the normal functioning of the organism is massively interfered with, side effects of anesthesia or even complications are rare overall. Anaesthesia stages A frequent side effect after general anesthesia is nausea … Side effects and risks of anesthesia

The anesthesia

Definition Anaesthesia Anaesthesia is an artificially induced state of unconsciousness. Anaesthesia is induced by administering medication and is used to carry out therapeutic and/or diagnostic measures without causing pain. Procedure of an anesthesia The procedure of an anesthesia is divided into three stages: The preparation for an anesthesia (so-called general anesthesia) includes in a broader … The anesthesia

Is there an increased risk of a Caesarean section? | Complications of epidural anesthesia

Is there an increased risk of a Caesarean section? Performing epidural or epidural anesthesia alone does not increase the risk of requiring a caesarean section. An increased risk of a caesarean section is caused by other risk factors, such as the position of the child in the womb or complications occurring in the mother or … Is there an increased risk of a Caesarean section? | Complications of epidural anesthesia

Types of anaesthesia | The anesthesia

Types of anaesthesia General anesthesia can be achieved in different ways. The different types of anaesthesia usually differ in the different drugs. Not every drug is suitable for every patient and every procedure. The duration and type of procedure is decisive, as there are short-acting and long-acting medications. Possible intolerances and allergies of the patient … Types of anaesthesia | The anesthesia