Treatments for Endometriosis

Only in the case of endometriosis lesions that do not cause any symptoms and do not show any growth tendency, treatment may not be necessary.

In general, however, the earlier treatment is given, the better the prospects of achieving long-term freedom from symptoms and also healing – even in the case of small foci.

Which therapy is ultimately chosen depends on the following factors:

  • Extension of the disease
  • Localization of the disease
  • Age of the affected
  • Existing desire to have children

In principle, drug and surgical treatment options are available, which can be used individually or combined.

Drug therapy

Various hormones more or less interrupt the menstrual cycle and egg maturation, so that no more mucosa is built up in the uterus. This also immobilizes the endometriosis lesions and often even causes them to regress.

One criterion for the choice of the preparation should always be the consideration of the side effects, as these are sometimes not insignificant. Hormone therapy alone tends to be used for mild, less pronounced endometriosis, with the disadvantage that endometriosis lesions relatively often reappear after the hormones are discontinued. In most cases, hormonal therapy is combined with surgical removal of the lesions.

Drug therapy also includes the use of painkillers, which can provide short-term pain relief. However, this does not treat the cause.

Surgical and combined therapy

In cases of severe endometriosis or endometriosis-related infertility, surgical therapy will always be the primary treatment. This involves removing the endometriosis lesions with laser, heat, or a scalpel. This is usually done by laparoscopy, but rarely an abdominal incision is necessary.

As a rule, hormones are administered for three to six months after the procedure in order to support the surgical therapy, usually followed by another surgical removal. This is where long-term success is best, and the majority of women with an unfulfilled desire to have children subsequently become pregnant. However, even after this treatment, the disease may recur in the long term.

By the way, after pregnancy, endometriosis is better in many cases.

Prevention of endometriosis

Preventing endometriosis is not possible according to current knowledge. But women can help themselves to be diagnosed early and thus improve their chances of recovery. Women should not accept pain that becomes stronger and weaker depending on the menstrual cycle, but should bring it to the attention of their treating gynecologist at an early stage.

Even though this has been taught to many women for decades: Menstruation does not mean that a woman is necessarily in pain!