Angina Pectoris (Chest Tightness)

Sprinting to the bus, climbing several floors by staircase or an unusually strenuous physical activity – and suddenly the upper body becomes tight, breathing becomes labored and there is pain behind the breastbone. This is called angina pectoris – a clear warning signal that must be taken seriously, because in many cases a circulatory disorder … Angina Pectoris (Chest Tightness)

Angina Pectoris: Treatment and Prevention

Before an individualized treatment plan can be created, an accurate diagnosis is required. By means of a cardiac catheterization, the coronary vessels, including possible constrictions, can be X-rayed. If relevant vascular calcification is detected, there are basically three treatment options. All three treatments can improve blood flow to the heart muscle and physical performance, reduce … Angina Pectoris: Treatment and Prevention

Chest pains man

General Chest pain is feared by patients of all ages – if you associate it with problems with the heart, in the worst case a heart attack. However, chest pain or pulling in the chest does not always have to be associated with a heart attack; various other, relatively harmless causes can also play a … Chest pains man

Symptoms | Chest pains man

Symptoms The symptoms of the incubation pain can be of different types. Some patients feel them when breathing in, others generally at rest, and some only under stress. The symptoms give an indication of the type of illness. Seizure-like chest pain, which disappears after a few minutes, can be a sign of angina pectoris. Bruising … Symptoms | Chest pains man

Diagnosis | Chest pains man

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a heart attack is usually made by means of an electrocardiogram, or ECG for short. This is used to measure the electrical excitation conduction and propagation in the heart. Emergency physicians very quickly recognize typical patterns on the ECG and then initiate appropriate therapy. The diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia is usually … Diagnosis | Chest pains man