Fever in Infants and Young Children

Symptoms In infants and young children, fever manifests itself as an elevated body temperature that can usually be felt on the skin. Possible accompanying symptoms include lassitude, irritability, loss of appetite, pain, shiny eyes, and red skin. Fever can be both harmless and an expression of a serious illness that can lead to dangerous complications … Fever in Infants and Young Children

Three Day Fever

Symptoms Three-day fever is most common in infants 6-12 months of age and in young children. Newborns are still protected thanks to maternal antibodies. After an incubation period of 5-15 days, the disease begins with sudden onset and high fever that lasts for 3-5 days. Febrile convulsions are a known and comparatively frequent complication (about … Three Day Fever

Acute Otitis Media

Symptoms Acute otitis media is inflammation of the middle ear with local or systemic signs of inflammation and pus formation (fluid accumulation in the middle ear). It occurs primarily in infants and young children. Possible symptoms include: Earache Increased temperature, fever Hearing disorders Feeling of pressure Irritability, crying Digestive disorders: Lack of appetite, abdominal pain, … Acute Otitis Media

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

Symptoms Hand-foot-and-mouth disease manifests itself in the following possible symptoms: Initially, there are nonspecific complaints such as mild fever, headache, feeling sick, lack of appetite and sore throat. Subsequently, painful, red rashes form on the tongue, palate and oral mucosa, which turn into blisters and ulcers. A rash develops on the palms of the hands … Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

Measles Causes and Treatment

Symptoms The disease begins with nonspecific symptoms such as fever, rhinitis, cough, feeling ill, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, conjunctivitis, and sensitivity to light. Towards the end of the prodromal stage, the characteristic white-blue Koplik spots appear on the inside of the cheeks. As the disease progresses, the typical rash … Measles Causes and Treatment


Symptoms In a nosebleed, there is active bleeding in the nasal cavity. Blood flows through the nostrils to above the lip and chin. Less commonly, blood drains from the back portion of the nasal cavity into the throat and neck. This causes symptoms such as nausea, bloody vomiting, coughing up blood, and blackening of the … Nosebleed

Pediatric Diseases in Adults

Many once-threatening infectious diseases have been reduced or nearly “eradicated” in industrialized countries thanks to consistent vaccination programs. Smallpox has even been made to disappear completely. Infectious diseases that must be taken seriously also include the so-called childhood diseases: They are highly contagious and therefore usually occur in childhood. However, adults can also become infected … Pediatric Diseases in Adults