Medical foot care | Pedicure

Medical foot care Medical foot care should be performed by a trained podiatrist. The training to become a podiatrist takes two years. The training is completed with a state examination. The podiatrist is allowed to perform medical pedicure. The medical pedicure includes a: In-depth discussion of the complaints of the person concerned Cleaning the feet … Medical foot care | Pedicure

Chapped cuticles

The skin that lies directly against the nail and covers the non-visible part of the nail is called nail fold. This is also called nail wall, nail fold or, in technical terms, perionychium or paronychium. The nail fold protects the regrown nail plate until it is really firm and visible. If this cuticle is torn, … Chapped cuticles

Home remedy against chapped cuticles | Chapped cuticles

Home remedy against chapped cuticles It is important to find the cause of cracked cuticles. Accordingly, lifestyle modifications and, if necessary, underlying diseases should be corrected. In some cases the use of home remedies is sufficient or additionally helpful. A household remedy of choice is olive oil. The oil should be rubbed generously onto the … Home remedy against chapped cuticles | Chapped cuticles

Inflammation on the foot

The foot is a complex structure made up of a multitude of bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments that all interact with each other. Its structure is similarly complicated as the hand. Each of these structures can therefore lead to problems and complaints. The foot can roughly be divided into three parts: Forefoot (consisting of the … Inflammation on the foot

Causes | Inflammation on the foot

Causes Inflammation of the forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot can have many different causes. In principle, an inflammation of the foot can have its origin in pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and so-called reactive arthritis, which can occur as a result of a bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal … Causes | Inflammation on the foot

Therapy | Inflammation on the foot

Therapy The therapy of an inflammation of the foot depends on the cause of the complaints and whether it is an acute or chronic event. In principle, painkillers can be administered to the patient when pain occurs. One therapeutic option is the administration of so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac. Paracetamol has … Therapy | Inflammation on the foot

Pedicure yourself

Pedicure self-made Cosmetic foot care can also be done at home. Please note that if you have athlete’s foot, ingrown toenails, warts and corns, you should consult a doctor! Diabetics in particular should only perform foot care themselves after training, as the sensitivity to pain in the feet is often impaired by the disease and … Pedicure yourself