Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome, also called Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome, is an aganglionosis of the intestine. Patients suffer from defecation problems and bloating as infants. What is Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome? Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome was named after physicians Wolf William Zuelzer, James Leroy Wilson, and Arnold Jirásek. They first described the congenital and rare form of aganglionosis. Aganglionosis is the congenital absence … Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The diaphragmatic breathing

Introduction Diaphragmatic breathing or synonymously also called “abdominal breathing” is one of two ways of breathing besides chest breathing. Medically, it is not correct to equate diaphragmatic breathing with abdominal breathing, but both terms are used in the same sense. Breathing with the diaphragm is an automatic, unconscious process. You do not have to think … The diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises | The diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises To breathe more consciously with the diaphragm there are some exercises. If possible, find a quiet place to consciously perceive the diaphragmatic breathing. Exercise 1: Lie down flat on the floor or sit upright on a chair, put your hand on your stomach and breathe deeply into your stomach so that you … Diaphragmatic breathing exercises | The diaphragmatic breathing

Puncture the water in the abdomen

Introduction In the context of some diseases, even serious diseases, an abnormally increased amount of water in the abdomen can cause further complaints. In order to improve the problem and to obtain diagnostic information about the cause, the water in the abdomen is punctured and drained. The puncture is then examined in the laboratory for … Puncture the water in the abdomen

Preparation for puncture | Puncture the water in the abdomen

Preparation for puncture The basis for a medical intervention is always the conversation. During this conversation, the patient’s complaints and individual prerequisites are to be clarified. The coagulation parameters should always be determined. A physical examination should also be performed and, if necessary, the hair should be removed. Since the puncture of water in the … Preparation for puncture | Puncture the water in the abdomen

What are the therapeutic options? | Water in the stomach

What are the therapeutic options? On the one hand, a therapy can be carried out that merely combats the symptoms. In this therapy, the free water is removed from the abdominal cavity without treating the underlying disease. For this purpose, drugs that have a draining effect, the so-called diuretics, can be used. In addition, patients … What are the therapeutic options? | Water in the stomach