What is iris heterochromia?

Definition In iris heterochromia, the color of one eye is different from the other. In humans it occurs only very rarely. Sometimes heterochromia can be an indication of a disease. This is especially the case with a new heterochromia. More often, central heterochromia occurs, in which a ring in the middle of the iris differs … What is iris heterochromia?

Frequency | What is iris heterochromia?

Frequency The different forms of heterochromia also differ strongly in their frequency. A complete iris heterochromia is very rare. Because of the rarity it is very difficult to find exact details. However, some sources indicate that a true congenital iris heterochromia without disease value occurs only in 4 out of 1 million people. The Waardenburg … Frequency | What is iris heterochromia?

Is this combined with diseases? | What is iris heterochromia?

Is this combined with diseases? Iris heterochromia can, but does not have to occur as part of a disease. Iris heterochromia, which is congenital and does not present with any other symptoms, is usually a completely harmless freak of nature. However, iris heterochromia can also occur in some genetic diseases such as Waardenburg syndrome. Here … Is this combined with diseases? | What is iris heterochromia?