Around the spine

The spine is the supporting element of our statics. Therefore, it is also equipped with countless ligaments, bones, joints, muscles and other soft tissues. However, this also offers a multitude of points of attack for injuries. In the following articles around the spinal column are listed.

Pinched Nerve: Causes, Treatment & Help

A so-called pinched nerve can take a variety of forms. Equally varied are the backgrounds from which a pinched nerve can result. What is a pinched nerve? Typically, the pain associated with a pinched nerve is sharp or burning; in addition, such pain may be accompanied by numbness or profuse sweating. A pinched nerve manifests … Pinched Nerve: Causes, Treatment & Help

Physiotherapy for chest pain

Pain in the chest is a symptom, a sign, which points to various diseases with different causes – organs, hormones, nerves or the skeleton can be affected. Physiotherapy Depending on the cause of the chest pain, different treatment approaches are used in physiotherapy. For lung diseases, respiratory therapy is used as well as endurance-preserving or … Physiotherapy for chest pain

Further measures | Physiotherapy for chest pain

Further measures As further measures to treat chest pain, various electrotherapy systems are suitable. Depending upon selected current form and plant can with the electrotherapy caution is here however with heart problems required. Tape systems can be applied at pain points and to loosen muscle chains. Wraps, cold and aromatherapy can be selected in addition … Further measures | Physiotherapy for chest pain

Chest pain when coughing | Physiotherapy for chest pain

Chest pain when coughing If chest pain occurs during coughing, this is usually a sign of overloading of the respiratory muscles or of a lung disease, which should be clarified by a doctor. Constant coughing causes overstrain which is comparable to a sore muscle. Often smokers suffer from chest pain when coughing, because chronic bronchitis … Chest pain when coughing | Physiotherapy for chest pain

Physiotherapy for nerve root compression in the cervical spine

A nerve root compression in the cervical spine can be treated conservatively by physiotherapy if the cause allows it. The aim of physiotherapy is then to first make the patient pain-free and to reduce the pressure on the affected nerves. Depending on the cause, this can be achieved by various therapeutic approaches. A patient-specific therapy … Physiotherapy for nerve root compression in the cervical spine

Procedure | Physiotherapy for nerve root compression in the cervical spine

Procedure If a patient comes to the physiotherapeutic practice with a diagnosis of nerve root compression in the cervical spine, the treating physiotherapist will first find out the cause of the compression in a patient consultation. By looking at the medical documents, as well as questioning the patient and a physical examination, the therapist can … Procedure | Physiotherapy for nerve root compression in the cervical spine

Heat therapy/effect | Physiotherapy for nerve root compression in the cervical spine

Heat therapy/effect Heat applications is a simple therapy method, which is used correctly but very useful. It is important to apply the heat correctly. Hot hot water bottles or grain cushions primarily warm the uppermost skin layers but rarely penetrate deep into the skin. However, the heat should lead to increased blood circulation in the … Heat therapy/effect | Physiotherapy for nerve root compression in the cervical spine