Pine Needle Oil: How it works

What are the effects of spruce needles? The essential oil contained in the needles of the common spruce (Picea abies) and fresh branch tips are used internally against catarrh of the respiratory tract (colds). They are also used externally for rheumatic complaints and mild muscle and nerve pain. The essential oil of spruce needles promotes … Pine Needle Oil: How it works

Pine: Medicinal Uses

Stem plant L., Pinaceae pine Medicinal drug Stem plant of turpentine (turpentine oil, rosin). Needles Turio Pini (Pini turiones) – pine tip (shoot): the spring bud of L. (PH 5) – no longer officinal. Preparations Pini silvestris extractum Abietinarum pix Ingredients Essential oil: pine needle oil (Pini aetheroleum). Synonym: Pini silvestris aetheroleum Effects Promotes blood … Pine: Medicinal Uses

Cold Balm

Products Cold balms are available in many countries from various suppliers. Examples of products include Pulmex, Vicks VapoRub, Liberol, Resorban, Wala Plantago Bronchial Balm, Phytopharma Thyme Ointment, Angelica Balms, and Weleda Cold Ointment. Ingredients The composition depends on the product. Cold balms usually contain essential oils. Possible ingredients include, for example (selection): Angelica oil Eucalyptus … Cold Balm