Risks of a diet with diet shakes | Diet Shake

Risks of a diet with diet shakes

If the yo-yo effect can be classified as a risk or danger, it should be mentioned here. Other risks include – rarely, but not unlikely – the development of an eating disorder. If the disturbed relationship to food in the diet is maintained, this can establish itself as a permanent disease, which in the worst case can end in the anorexia of the affected person. Of course, an allergic reaction to a component of the diet shake powder can also occur, as well as the occurrence of deficiency symptoms if a permanent change to a diet with shakes is made.

How can I avoid the yoyo effect with this diet?

One way to counteract the yoyo effect is to put the horse on bridle from behind. Although it is not recommended, a massive calorie reduction at the beginning, from which you gradually return to your normal eating habits, would counteract a yoyo effect. Another possibility could be to incorporate individual so-called cheat days in the course of the diet. They do not only maintain motivation in the diet, but also ensure that the body cannot completely adjust to a reduced calorie intake and still starts from the original calorie requirement as a “principle”. While this behavior also ensures that the diet proceeds more slowly, it is one way to counteract the yoyo effect.

What are the costs?

The cost varies with the manufacturer of such diet shake products. To refer to the two branded products from above: A can of Almased or Double Heart costs about 15 Euro. Since such a tin contains 10 portions – provided that you follow the manufacturer’s preparation recommendations – the price per portion is about 1.50 €.

In addition, small amounts of a high-quality vegetable oil should be added to the shake powder. If this is added, the price per portion increases to a maximum of 1,60€. The products of the drugstores DM or Rossmann on the other hand are priced at about 7€.

While Rossmann’s container contains 14 portions, DM’s also contains only 10 portions. Since the Rossmann shake is to be prepared with a soy drink instead of water, this results in higher costs, which make up for the extra portions. If you calculate the costs per portion, the result is about 70-80 cents per portion. Depending on the brand the consumer wants to use, the costs per meal can be even higher.