Procedure of a gastroscopy

Gastroscopy is a diagnostic imaging procedure to detect diseases of the stomach. With the help of a gastroscope, the inside of the stomach can be examined and, if necessary, tissue samples can be taken (biopsy) or minor procedures performed. For the examining physician, this not only offers the possibility of recognizing different diseases (diagnosis) but … Procedure of a gastroscopy

Complications and risks of gastroscopy | Procedure of a gastroscopy

Complications and risks of gastroscopy Like any more or less invasive procedure, gastroscopy is not free of complications. Often patients report after the examination an unpleasant, numb feeling in the area of the throat. Some also experience hoarseness and a coughing sensation. These after-effects are relatively common, but do not require any special therapy and … Complications and risks of gastroscopy | Procedure of a gastroscopy