How to Remove Corns

Remove corn yourself: recommendations Many patients prefer to treat their corns themselves. However, this is risky because it can result in serious injuries and complications. Therefore, depending on the type, depth and extent of the corn, the following recommendations apply: You can try to remove small, shallow corns yourself. If this does not succeed or … How to Remove Corns

Onychauxis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Onychauxis is a disease that affects the nails of fingers and toes. The name of the disease is derived from the Greek language, where it comes from the terms ‘onyx’ for fingernail and ‘auxano’ for proliferation. Onychauxis is present in affected individuals either from birth or is acquired during the rest of life due to … Onychauxis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Medical Foot Care: the Podiatrist

Anyone who travels an average of 160,000 kilometers in their human life has a right to a few strokes. But although the feet are our most important means of transport, they are usually criminally neglected in our daily hygiene. The fact that we often treat our feet stepmotherly has consequences: Feet itch, burn and swell, … Medical Foot Care: the Podiatrist

Medical Foot Care: the Treatment

Treatment by a podiatrist includes measures from the fields of orthopedics, dermatology, surgery and internal medicine. With his treatment, the podiatrist combats acute foot problems and can thus avert any consequential damage. Special therapy techniques and expert advice are used for this purpose. Details on the procedure of a medical foot treatment can be found … Medical Foot Care: the Treatment

Podiatry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Podiatry corresponds to medical foot care and therefore a medical professional category that deals with the curative and preventive treatment of the feet by using individual applications such as foot baths, anointments and measures for nail as well as callus care. Podiatrists work closely with doctors, shoemakers and physiotherapists, and a doctor usually refers his … Podiatry: Treatment, Effect & Risks


Pedicure (from Latin pes, pedis = foot) is the cosmetic foot care Manicure (from Latin manus = hand) is the cosmetic hand care Podology (from Greek pous, podos = foot, logos = doctrine) describes the medical foot care. General Foot care is any form of care for the feet, it can be in the form … Pedicure

Medical foot care | Pedicure

Medical foot care Medical foot care should be performed by a trained podiatrist. The training to become a podiatrist takes two years. The training is completed with a state examination. The podiatrist is allowed to perform medical pedicure. The medical pedicure includes a: In-depth discussion of the complaints of the person concerned Cleaning the feet … Medical foot care | Pedicure

Pedicure yourself | Pedicure

Pedicure yourself Many patients want to do their chiropody themselves instead of going to a pedicurist or podiatrist. Even when it comes to corneal removal, many patients prefer home chiropody to professional chiropody. There are some things that should be considered. First of all, it is important that patients who want to do their own … Pedicure yourself | Pedicure

Cosmetic foot care | Pedicure

Cosmetic foot care Cosmetic foot care, i.e. pedicure, is not legally protected and can be learned through weekend training. Therefore a cosmetic chiropody may only: There are numerous Beauty and Wellnesstudios, which offer foot care in different extent and price ranges. Health insurance companies do not carry the costs of the cosmetic chiropody in principle. … Cosmetic foot care | Pedicure

Conclusion | Pedicure

Conclusion Carried out at weekly intervals, the feet look permanently well-groomed. The positive side effect is that you pay more attention to your feet, which have to carry our entire body weight every day. If you take care of your feet regularly, pathological changes such as eczema, athlete’s foot, warts, ingrown toenails or injuries are … Conclusion | Pedicure

Ingrown toenail

Introduction The ingrown nail, Latin also called Unguis incarnatus, belongs to the mechanically caused changes of the nail. These occur more frequently at the big toe, more rarely at the fingers. Recurring inflammations often cause a vicious circle, which should be broken by a good and consistent treatment. Definition The ingrowth of the nail plate … Ingrown toenail