Diagnosis | Gestational hypertension – Is it dangerous?

Diagnosis Indications of gestational hypertension can be given by measuring the blood pressure in the doctor’s practice during examinations as part of prenatal care. The blood pressure values are entered in the maternity record, so that a comparison with values determined during pregnancy is possible. However, since 20% of pregnant women tend to have higher … Diagnosis | Gestational hypertension – Is it dangerous?

Possible consequences | Gestational hypertension – Is it dangerous?

Possible consequences A pure high blood pressure in pregnancy usually has no other consequences for the mother than a high blood pressure that occurs independently of pregnancy. Symptoms such as headaches, ringing in the ears and dizziness may occur. In contrast to the permanently existing high blood pressure in non-pregnant women, the risks of consequential … Possible consequences | Gestational hypertension – Is it dangerous?

Diagnostics | HELLP syndrome

Diagnostics In order to diagnose HELLP syndrome, first of all the blood must be examined. This reveals a lowered haptoglobin level. Haptoglobin is a transport protein that removes free blood pigment (haemoglobin). Since hemolysis (dissolution of red blood cells) occurs in HELLP syndrome, haptoglobin is reduced. Hemoglobin is also reduced. In contrast, the liver values … Diagnostics | HELLP syndrome

Prophylaxis | HELLP syndrome

Prophylaxis For the HELLP syndrome already some factors of risk could be identified, which unfortunately cannot be necessarily affected by the woman. These include diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, multiple pregnancies and family history. HELLP syndrome also occurs more frequently in overweight pregnant women and pregnant women over 40 years of age. … Prophylaxis | HELLP syndrome

Aspirin® during pregnancy

Introduction During pregnancy, headaches and aching limbs are more frequent due to the hormonal changes. As a result, the most commonly used painkiller in Germany is often taken: Aspirin®. Particularly during pregnancy, it is important to ensure that the correct dosage is taken. The active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) contained in Aspirin has a dose-dependent … Aspirin® during pregnancy

Does Aspirin® increase the risk of miscarriage? | Aspirin® during pregnancy

Does Aspirin® increase the risk of miscarriage? Taking Aspirin® has no effect on the risk of miscarriage. On the contrary, Aspirin® is often used in low doses to reduce the risk of repeated spontaneous miscarriages. The mechanism and effectiveness are still being investigated. However, long-term use of Aspirin® increases the risk of developmental disorder of … Does Aspirin® increase the risk of miscarriage? | Aspirin® during pregnancy

Premature placental detachment

What is a premature placental abruption? Premature placental detachment is the detachment of the placenta from the uterus in whole or in part, which takes place while the baby is still in the mother’s womb. Normally, the placenta does not separate until after the birth of the child. Premature placental detachment can be completely free … Premature placental detachment

Diagnosis of premature placental detachment | Premature placental detachment

Diagnosis of premature placental detachment A rapid diagnosis of premature placental detachment is vital, especially in severe cases. For this reason, continuous monitoring of vital parameters and, via CTG (cardiotocography), imaging of the child’s heartbeat are necessary. A palpation of the abdomen and uterus serves to assess the height of the uterus and its tone. … Diagnosis of premature placental detachment | Premature placental detachment

Therapy of a premature placental detachment | Premature placental detachment

Therapy of a premature placental detachment The therapy of premature placental detachment depends on the degree of detachment, the condition of the mother and the condition of the child. If there is little vaginal bleeding and the condition of the mother and fetus is unremarkable, bed rest and check-ups will be performed under inpatient conditions. … Therapy of a premature placental detachment | Premature placental detachment

How common is a premature placental abruption? | Premature placental detachment

How common is a premature placental abruption? Premature placental abruption is fortunately a very rare pregnancy or birth complication. It occurs in about 0.5-1% of pregnancies. In certain patients who have several risk factors, the likelihood may increase. In general, premature placental detachment can be found in about 30% of vaginal bleeding in the last … How common is a premature placental abruption? | Premature placental detachment