Interactions with other drugs | Cortisone tablets

Interactions with other drugs The effect of cortisone tablets can be altered by taking different drugs at the same time. Important medications in this context are: Antirheumatic drugs Cardiac glycosides (e.g. digitalis) ACE inhibitors “the pill” Certain antibiotics like rifampicin Oral antidiabetics and insulin When is the best time to take cortisone tablets – before … Interactions with other drugs | Cortisone tablets

Effect | Cortisone tablets

Effect The main effect of cortisone is the suppression of inflammatory processes and exaggerated immune reactions. The symptoms of the inflammatory reaction disappear with the administration of cortisone, but the cause itself is not combated! Basically, cortisone is merely the inactive form of the body’s own hormone cortisol. Cortisone itself has no biological effect whatsoever, … Effect | Cortisone tablets

Side effects of cortisone

What side effects can occur with cortisone? The occurrence and severity of side effects depend on the type of disease and the duration and dosage of cortisone intake. The side effects are usually closely linked to the actual function of cortisone in the body. It must therefore be clear when prescribing and taking medicines containing … Side effects of cortisone

Can cortisone cause hair loss? | Side effects of cortisone

Can cortisone cause hair loss? Hair loss is not among the side effects that can be caused by cortisone therapy. In fact, an opposite effect may even occur, namely so-called hypertrichosis. This is excessive hair growth. Cortisone is even often used to treat various forms of hair loss, such as inflammatory alopecia. Hair loss caused … Can cortisone cause hair loss? | Side effects of cortisone


What are prodrugs? Not all active pharmaceutical ingredients are directly active. Some must first be converted to the active substance by an enzymatic or non-enzymatic conversion step in the body. These are the so-called . The term was introduced by Adrien Albert in 1958. It is estimated that up to 10% of all active ingredients … Prodrugs

Dyshidrotic Eczema

Symptoms So-called dyshidrotic eczema manifests itself in itchy, non-reddened vesicles or blisters (bullae) that may appear on the sides of the fingers, on the palms of the hands, and also on the feet. The rash is often bilateral and symmetrical. The vesicles or blisters are filled with edema fluid (“water blisters”) and are located in … Dyshidrotic Eczema


Products Immunosuppressants are commercially available in numerous dosage forms, for example, as creams, ointments, tablets, capsules, solutions, eye drops, and injectables. Structure and properties Within immunosuppressants, several groups can be identified. These include steroids such as the glucocorticoids, substances of microbiological origin such as ciclosporin and mycophenolate mofetil, derivatives of nucleic acids and their components … Immunosuppressants

Hirsutism: Excessive Hair Growth

Definition Increased body and facial hair in women corresponding to the male hair type due to androgen-induced conversion of vellus hair to terminal hair. Symptoms Excessive and altered hair growth (thick and pigmented) on the face, chest, abdomen, legs, buttocks, and back Acne Deeper voice Increased muscle mass Decrease in breast size Androgenetic alopecia Views … Hirsutism: Excessive Hair Growth

Eye Ointments Uses

Products In many countries, few eye ointments are currently on the market because eye drops are more commonly used. Some eye drops are available without prescription, while others are available only with a doctor’s prescription. Structure and properties Eye ointments are semisolid and sterile preparations for application to the eye, intended for use on the … Eye Ointments Uses