Ultrasound or Sonography: Gentle Examination in Real Time

Ultrasound examination can do more than visualize sucking babies in the womb. It allows the assessment of organs, tissues, joints, soft tissues and blood vessels, is inexpensive, painless and, according to current knowledge, does not stress the human body. The development of ultrasound Ultrasound exists in nature – animals such as bats generate it themselves … Ultrasound or Sonography: Gentle Examination in Real Time

Other Forms of Ultrasonography

Since no examination procedure is perfect, it sometimes makes sense to combine several. In endosonography, ultrasound examination is coupled with endoscopic examination ( Endoscopy). The endoscope is used to reach hard-to-reach places such as the esophagus, stomach, intestines, and coronary arteries; the ultrasound device can then be used to assess structures in depth that cannot … Other Forms of Ultrasonography

Simple Ultrasound Examination

This is used in almost every medical discipline. Organs are assessed for size, location, demarcation to adjacent structures, and tissue. Tumors, accumulations of air or fluid, injuries, bleeding or blood stasis, stones, calcifications, cysts, and abscesses are detected. The most important areas of use are listed below, but sonography is also indispensable in other fields … Simple Ultrasound Examination