Amaurosis: Causes, Aids, Prognosis

Amaurosis: Description The technical term amaurosis (amaurosis) stands for blindness, which is the complete inability to perceive light, in one or both eyes. This corresponds to the scientific definition of blindness. What does the legislator understand by blindness and visual impairment? According to the law, blindness is naturally present in all people with amaurosis. However, … Amaurosis: Causes, Aids, Prognosis

Dwarfism: Definition, Prognosis, Causes

Brief overview Course of disease and prognosis: Depends on the cause of short stature, in many cases normal life expectancy Symptoms: Dependent on the cause, usually none apart from the shorter height, joint and back pain in achondroplasia Causes and risk factors: Various causes, malnutrition or malnutrition affect growth Diagnosis: Based on detailed discussions, measurement … Dwarfism: Definition, Prognosis, Causes

Glioblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Brief overview Prognosis: Glioblastoma is not curable. The prognosis depends, for example, on the health of the patient and the stage of the tumor. Survival time varies from a few months to several years. Symptoms: Headaches especially at night and in the morning, nausea and vomiting, speech disorders or epileptic seizures, coma Diagnosis: Physical, neurological … Glioblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Mitochondriopathy: Symptoms and prognosis

Brief overview Symptoms: Depending on which mitochondrial proteins are altered and how severe: muscle weakness, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, seizures, blindness. Causes and risk factors: alterations (mutations) in genes for proteins involved in metabolic processes in cellular power plants, either through maternal inheritance or new mutation Diagnosis: Medical history, previous family history, physical examinations, … Mitochondriopathy: Symptoms and prognosis

Polycythemia vera: description & prognosis

Brief overview: What is polycythaemia vera? Rare disease of the hematopoietic cells of the bone marrow, form of blood cancer. Prognosis: Untreated, prognosis is unfavorable; with treatment, median survival is 14 to 19 years. Treatment: phlebotomy, medications (blood thinners, cytostatics, interferon-alpha, JAK inhibitors), bone marrow transplant, prevention of thrombosis Symptoms: Fatigue, night sweats, itching, bone … Polycythemia vera: description & prognosis

Humerus Head Fracture (Upper Arm Break): Treatment, Prognosis

Humeral head fracture: description The upper arm bone (humerus) has a relatively large head, three times larger than the glenoid cavity in which it lies. This allows the shoulder a wide range of motion: the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body. The shoulder joint is stabilized mainly by the surrounding … Humerus Head Fracture (Upper Arm Break): Treatment, Prognosis

Uterine Cancer: prognosis, therapy, causes

Brief overview Disease progression and prognosis: Depends on tumor stage at time of diagnosis; prognosis is good in early stages, unfavorable in late diagnosed tumors and higher stages Prevention: There is no vaccination against uterine cancer. Treatment: Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy if necessary. Diagnosis: Physical examination with palpation, ultrasound, uterus endoscopy, if metastases … Uterine Cancer: prognosis, therapy, causes

Hebephrenic Schizophrenia: Characteristics, Prognosis

Hebephrenic schizophrenia: diagnosis Hebephrenic schizophrenia usually begins gradually between the ages of 15 and 25. However, it can also develop later. Speech and drive disorders and disorganized thinking are predominant. Concentration disorders and depesssions are often the first signs of the disorder as grades at school deteriorate. Those affected also become increasingly withdrawn and neglect … Hebephrenic Schizophrenia: Characteristics, Prognosis

Medulloblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Brief overview Prognosis: Depending on tumor characteristics and tumor subgroup well treatable with good prognosis, but certain tumor groups show unfavorable course Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea/vomiting, sleep disturbances, neurological complaints such as visual, speech and concentration disturbances and paralysis, motor complaints such as gait disturbances Causes: Triggers are not clearly known. Chromosomal changes, genetic predispositions … Medulloblastoma: Prognosis, Symptoms, Treatment

Seminoma: Prognosis and Treatment

Brief overview Prognosis: Generally very treatable; successful cure possible in most cases; one of the highest cancer survival rates; relapses are rare; fertility and libido usually remain intact Symptoms: Palpable, painless hardening in the scrotum; enlarged testicles (with a feeling of heaviness); enlarged, painful breasts; advanced symptoms such as coughing and chest pain with lung … Seminoma: Prognosis and Treatment