10 Tips for Sunny Days

In summer, there are a few things you should keep in mind when spending long periods of time outdoors, otherwise you can quickly get sunburned. Above all, it is important that you use enough sunscreen and do not spend too long in the sun. Besides that, there are many more tips and tricks on how … 10 Tips for Sunny Days

Tendinitis of the thigh

Introduction Inflammation of the tendon of the thigh often occurs in the context of sports injuries or overloading during sports. Another cause can be congenital or acquired malpositions of the thigh, which overstrain the tendons and cause painful inflammation. Much rarer causes of tendon inflammation are rheumatic diseases and bacterial infections of the tendon. By … Tendinitis of the thigh

How long does the inflammation last? | Tendinitis of the thigh

How long does the inflammation last? In the case of minor tendon inflammations, the problem often subsides within a few days with appropriate treatment. In larger and more heavily strained muscle groups, such as those found on the thigh, an inflammation can last for several weeks and can become even longer if not adequately treated … How long does the inflammation last? | Tendinitis of the thigh

Elbow Orthosis

Definition An elbow orthosis is an orthopedic aid that is attached to the outside of the elbow. The elbow orthosis is similar to a scaffold that is intended to stabilize, relieve and correct the elbow and the muscles involved and is usually placed in the case of an injury to the elbow. Elbow orthoses can … Elbow Orthosis

Basics | Elbow Orthosis

Basics The elbow joint is a joint that consists of three partial joints and involves three bones: upper arm bone, ulna and radius. The following partial joints can be subdivided: A partial joint consists of humerus and ulna, the so-called humeroulnar joint. This is functionally a hinge joint that bends and stretches the forearm. The … Basics | Elbow Orthosis

Costs | Elbow Orthosis

Costs Elbow orthoses are available in many different price ranges. The price range starts at 20€ and goes up to over 300€. Of course the expensive orthoses are of higher quality and technically more complex. As with many technical devices, the principle applies that quality has its price. When buying an orthosis, the patient should … Costs | Elbow Orthosis

Protect Children from Colds

Cough or cold viruses can settle and multiply particularly well in children. Their immune system is not yet fully developed. Up to six colds per year are considered normal. If parents take preventive measures in good time, the risk of contracting respiratory infections can be significantly reduced. However, this can sometimes be strenuous and not … Protect Children from Colds

Torn capsule on thumb

What is a capsule tear on the thumb? The joints that connect the individual bony elements of the thumb are each surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue, which stabilizes it and enables smooth movements. A violent impact can lead to a rupture of the capsule at the thumb. The consequences are pain and limited … Torn capsule on thumb