What are the consequences of a torn capsule on the finger? | Torn capsule on finger

What are the consequences of a torn capsule on the finger? A rupture of the capsule is a painful injury, which usually heals without consequences. Even without treatment, the injury usually heals without complications or restrictions in the movement of the finger. Accompanying injuries of the tendons or finger bones, on the other hand, can … What are the consequences of a torn capsule on the finger? | Torn capsule on finger

Torn capsule on finger

Definition Like every joint, the finger joints are also surrounded by a capsule. This capsule can be injured by overstretching, for example if the joint is overstretched too much. This usually happens during sports, e.g. volleyball or basketball, when the ball hits the stretched finger. Then the joint capsule on the flexion side ruptures. Usually … Torn capsule on finger

Sclera of the eye

Definition – What is the dermis? The eye consists of the outer eye skin, which can be divided into two sections – the opaque sclera and the translucent cornea. The main part of the eye skin is formed by the strong sclera. The white sclera consists of firm connective tissue and envelops almost the entire … Sclera of the eye

Winter Sun: Danger for the Skin

Sufficient light protection is also important in winter, because the sun’s rays can be very intense, especially during winter sports. Don’t be fooled by cold weather and an overcast sky: After all, this does not reduce the intensity of UV radiation. The winter sun is particularly intense in the mountains. Sufficient sun protection important Light-colored … Winter Sun: Danger for the Skin

Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm

Introduction Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm is an inflammation (inflammation) of the tendons that connect the muscles of the upper arm with the bones. A distinction must be made between inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) and inflammation of the tendon sheath (tendovaginitis). Tendinitis of the upper arm can occur due to some degenerative … Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm

Therapy | Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm

Therapy The therapy of a tendon inflammation depends first of all on the cause which is responsible for the disease. In many cases, the inflammation can already be successfully treated by treating the underlying disease. Depending on the cause, conservative therapy methods or, in rare cases, surgical measures are the main focus of therapy. If … Therapy | Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm

Duration | Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm

Duration The duration of therapy for tendonitis can vary depending on the disease causing it. Several other factors can also influence the duration of the inflammation. The extent of the inflammation as well as a consistent implementation of the therapeutic measures have a considerable influence on the duration of the disease until healing. Tendinitis is … Duration | Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm

What can tendon inflammations on both upper arms indicate? | Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm

What can tendon inflammations on both upper arms indicate? Biceps tendon inflammation often occurs in patients who already have a previously damaged shoulder. It often occurs in patients with shoulder arthrosis or impingement syndrome. It can also occur in rheumatoid arthritis. Should biceps tendon inflammation occur without a previous accident event and even on both … What can tendon inflammations on both upper arms indicate? | Inflammation of tendons in the upper arm

STDs on the Rise

Sex is fun and healthy. But sometimes coitus is followed by a rude awakening. That is when pathogens go on a journey and look for a new host. However, they only succeed during unprotected intercourse. The history of venereal diseases is probably as old as mankind. It was not always known by what means they … STDs on the Rise