Protein and nutrition

What are proteins? Especially in the world of sports we encounter the term protein almost daily. But what are proteins actually? Proteins are also known as proteins and are an important building material for various organs in the human organism. They are building blocks of cells, tissues and organs. Probably best known is their role … Protein and nutrition

When should I supplement protein? | Protein and nutrition

When should I supplement protein? As a rule, a sufficient supply of protein is possible with a balanced diet. This is especially true for non-athletes and hobby athletes who mainly do endurance training. The protein requirement should be covered by natural foods, these can be meat, fish and eggs but also vegetable foods. Recommended for … When should I supplement protein? | Protein and nutrition

How much protein is present in which foods? | Protein and nutrition

How much protein is present in which foods? Protein is one of the macronutrients along with carbohydrates and fat. A sufficient protein supply is essential for the body to survive. The main source of protein supply should be natural foods, in some cases dietary supplements can also be used.In addition to animal foods, many vegetable … How much protein is present in which foods? | Protein and nutrition