
Products Certolizumab is commercially available as a solution for injection (Cimzia). It has been approved in many countries since 2007. Structure and properties Certolizumab is the Fab’ fragment of a recombinant humanized antibody. It is conjugated to polyethylene glycol (PEG) and is therefore also known as certolizumab pegol. Effects Certolizumab (ATC L04AB05) has selective immunosuppressive … Certolizumab

Fumaric Acid Therapy for Psoriasis

Active ingredients from an inconspicuous, red-flowered plant are currently the best-tested weapons against severe and moderate forms of psoriasis. The so-called fumaric acid esters from the “common fumitory” (Fumaris officinalis) were presented by Prof. Dr. Wolfram Sterry, president of the German Dermatological Society and head of the skin clinic at Berlin’s Charité hospital, as an … Fumaric Acid Therapy for Psoriasis