Who bears the costs of the U12? | U12 Examination

Who bears the costs of the U12? The costs of the U12 are covered by the health insurance companies. In contrast, the services of the U10, U11 and J2 examinations are not covered by all insurance companies, although the Professional Association of Pediatricians and Adolescent Physicians recommended them in 2006. In this case, the respective … Who bears the costs of the U12? | U12 Examination

Causes for a boil

Introduction A boil is an inflammation of a hair follicle and the surrounding tissue. A boil can occur anywhere on the hairy skin and usually develops spontaneously without a direct trigger. Most often, the inflammation originates from the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, which migrates along the hair through a skin injury down to the hair follicle. … Causes for a boil

What happens in puberty?

Introduction Puberty covers a formative period in the development from child to adult. It includes a physical, social and psychological development and maturation phase that lasts three to four years. The cornerstones of puberty are, in addition to gender-specific physical changes, above all the development of sexual interest, as well as separation from the family … What happens in puberty?

Developmental steps during puberty | What happens in puberty?

Developmental steps during puberty During puberty, many physical changes slowly take place. The child’s body grows up to sexual maturity. The physical development of peers in puberty does not always happen simultaneously and can vary greatly in duration. It is controlled by hormones. In girls the female sex hormone estrogen predominates, in boys the male … Developmental steps during puberty | What happens in puberty?

Growth spurt

Definition A growth spurt is a significant increase in the speed of growth, usually related to the increase in height per unit of time. However, body weight and head circumference are also important for assessing growth in children. In humans, growth spurts usually occur preferentially at certain stages of life. Thus babies grow fastest immediately … Growth spurt