What Happens in the Postpartum Period

The medical profession refers to the first weeks after birth as the postpartum period. In that time, the recovery, the relationship between parents and child and also breastfeeding are in the foreground. The body adjusts during these six to eight weeks to the so-called “non-pregnant mode”. Hormone balance is rearranged, weight is reduced and birth … What Happens in the Postpartum Period

Postpartum fever

Introduction Postpartum fever (Puerperal fever) is an inflammation and inflammatory changes in the genital area of the woman during childbirth caused by bacteria. During the birth process, minor injuries and tears occur in the mother’s birth canal. Bacteria can then migrate through these small wounds and cause postpartum fever (Puerperal fever). Symptomatology As long as … Postpartum fever

Prophylaxis | Postpartum fever

Prophylaxis The frequency of the occurrence of puerperal fever has fallen sharply since the discovery of hand disinfection by the gynecologist Ignaz Semmelweis in the 19th century. Before Semmelweis addressed the problem, women very often died of blood poisoning (puerperal sepsis) resulting from postpartum fever. Today, the incidence in Germany is about 5 percent. The … Prophylaxis | Postpartum fever