Functions of the kidney

Introduction The kidneys are bean-shaped, paired organs that are involved in a variety of functions of the human organism. The most commonly known function of the organ is urine production. The kidney mainly serves to regulate the electrolyte and water balance, but at the same time it also performs essential functions in the acid-base balance … Functions of the kidney

Functions of the renal calices | Functions of the kidney

Functions of the renal calices The calices of the kidney are located inside the kidneys and serve to drain urine. For each kidney there are about 10 small calices (Calices renalis minores). Several calices renalis minores form the two large calices renalis majores. The large calices form the renal pelvis. There are also two forms … Functions of the renal calices | Functions of the kidney

Control of urine formation | Functions of the kidney

Control of urine formation The control of urine formation is mainly done by two different hormones: adiuretin and aldosterone. Adiuretin, also called antidiuretic hormone, is produced in the hypothalamus and enters the bloodstream via the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Adiuretin binds to V2 receptors in the distal tubule and in the collection tube … Control of urine formation | Functions of the kidney