Skin Cracks on the Fingers

Symptoms Skin tears on the fingers – known as rhagades – are deep, cleft-like, and often keratinized lesions that extend into the dermis of the skin and occur mainly near the fingernails at the tips of the fingers. They may also occur on the back of the hand. Despite their small size, the skin tears … Skin Cracks on the Fingers

Peru Balsam

Products Peru balsam is found in many countries in cold ointments, balm sticks and lip balms (Dermophil India, Peru Stick), traction ointments (Leucen) and healing ointments (Rapura, Zeller Balsam), among others. The majority of these are traditional medicines that have been on the market for decades. Some medicines also contain an artificially produced Peru balsam, … Peru Balsam

Cracked heels

Cracked heels (fissures, med. Rhagades) are often deep torn areas on the outer edge of the heel, which can occur due to dry cornea. The actual protective function of the cornea is lost and can lead to further problems. The development of the dry cracked skin areas can have different causes. Causes of cracked heels … Cracked heels

Diagnosis | Cracked heels

Diagnosis The diagnosis is quite easy to make and often the affected person notices swelling and redness on the heel quite early. The skin feels very rough and dry and an excessive layer of callus has formed. Smaller to deeper cracks may already have developed. It may be necessary to consult a doctor if the … Diagnosis | Cracked heels

Prophylaxis | Cracked heels

Prophylaxis The development of cracked heels and dry skin can be prevented very well by own regular care. Thicker layers of cornea should be removed regularly with a plane or pumice stone. Before doing so, it is recommended to soak the heels with warm baths. Removing the cornea is important to prevent the lower layers … Prophylaxis | Cracked heels