Appendectomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix vermiformis. The procedure is used when there is inflammation of the appendix vermiformis. What is appendectomy? Appendectomy is when the appendix vermiformis is surgically removed. Appendectomy is when the appendix vermiformis is surgically removed. This is done when there is inflammation of the appendix. Most people refer … Appendectomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Stomach Cramps: Causes, Treatment & Help

Stomach cramps or abdominal cramps are severe, changing in intensity, stomach pain. They usually occur suddenly and unexpectedly, but they can also stop quickly. Stomach cramps can result from a wide variety of causes. Therefore, stomach cramps that occur should be thoroughly investigated. What are stomach cramps? Mostly cramping and sudden, severe stomach pain is … Stomach Cramps: Causes, Treatment & Help

Night Sweats: Causes, Treatment & Help

Night sweats or night sweats can have a disease value, but do not have to. Menopause, high blood pressure, diabetes or acute colds can cause night sweats, as can a hereditary predisposition, stress or an overheated bedroom. Whether night sweats indicate a disease must be clarified in each individual case. What is night sweats? Menopause, … Night Sweats: Causes, Treatment & Help