School Fear

What is school phobia? School phobia is the fear of a child to go to school. This can be due to the lessons, the teachers and classmates or other school-related factors. Something in the everyday life at school makes the child so afraid that it does not want to go to school. This anxiety often … School Fear

When does my child need professional help? | School Fear

When does my child need professional help? If the child suffers a lot from the fear of school, psychologically and/or physically, professional help is advisable. Because if such psychological stress remains untreated, it can not only impair the child’s school performance until graduation, but can also make the child vulnerable to psychological problems later in … When does my child need professional help? | School Fear

How is school anxiety diagnosed? | School Fear

How is school anxiety diagnosed? The diagnosis of school phobia is usually made by the pediatrician or child psychologist or psychiatrist. The anamnesis, i.e. the questioning of the symptoms and circumstances, is decisive. In addition to this detailed discussion with the doctor, physical and psychological examinations are carried out in order to get a comprehensive … How is school anxiety diagnosed? | School Fear