Seasickness: Causes, Treatment, Prevention

How does seasickness occur? Just as in general motion sickness (kinetosis), seasickness involves a conflict of different sensory impressions that are reported to the brain by the vestibular organ and the eyes. The organ of balance (vestibular apparatus) in the inner ear constantly senses rotational movements as well as horizontal and vertical acceleration with tiny … Seasickness: Causes, Treatment, Prevention

Seasickness: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Seasickness can still affect even experienced seafarers. In addition to patience, several measures can alleviate or prevent the symptoms of seasickness. What is seasickness? The so-called seasickness is actually not a disease in the strict sense, but more a healthy body reaction to an unaccustomed movement that the body experiences, for example, when traveling on … Seasickness: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Motion Sickness

Symptoms The preliminary stages are fatigue, yawning, difficulty concentrating, headache, mood swings, lethargy, and an increased need for sleep. The actual motion sickness manifests itself acutely in symptoms such as cold sweat, pallor, pale complexion, sensations of warmth and cold, faintness, hyperventilation, rapid pulse rate, low blood pressure, salivation, nausea, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Triggers … Motion Sickness

Medicines for dizziness

Synonyms Antivertiginosa Introduction Drugs for dizziness are preparations that help to relieve dizziness or reduce the symptoms. Dizziness can have many causes. Because of this, there is also a large number of drugs with different modes of action. The trigger of the dizziness ultimately determines which drug is most suitable for treating the dizziness. These … Medicines for dizziness

Which medications help with psychogenic dizziness? | Medicines for dizziness

Which medications help with psychogenic dizziness? In the case of psychogenic dizziness, which is often referred to as anxiety vertigo or phobic dizziness, drug therapy is usually not effective. The affected persons mostly suffer from fears or phobias that lead to the development of dizziness symptoms. A large number of those affected also suffer from … Which medications help with psychogenic dizziness? | Medicines for dizziness

How To Improve Your Balance

The sense of balance is absolutely essential, it is the only way to maintain balance. The sense of balance is located in the inner ear and is very closely connected to the cerebellum. This is because balance is also controlled here and it is responsible for coordination. Balance disorders are easy to recognize, dizziness, nausea … How To Improve Your Balance