Ergot: Medicinal Uses

Stem plant Fungus: Clavicipitaceae, parasite on rye and other grasses and cereals. Medicinal drug Secale cornutum, ergot: The sclerotium of Tulasne (PH 4) collected from the ear of rye and dried rapidly over lime immediately without application of heat – no longer officinal. Preparations The old pharmacopoeias contained some preparations, e.g. Extractum Secalis cornuti. Ingredients … Ergot: Medicinal Uses

Secale cornutum

Other term ergot Application of Secale cornutum for the following diseases in homeopathy Migraine with violent vomiting Paralysis and ants on arms and legs Vascular constrictions and vascular spasms in the fingers (Raynaud’s disease) Due to the plant or due to vessel calcificationand High blood pressure caused by constriction Circulatory disorders in the brain and … Secale cornutum


Burning grain, wolf tooth, hunger grainThe so-called ergot occurs mainly in rye. During the flowering period of the grain, the fungal plexus (mycelium) of ergot grows through the ovaries with short fibers. Spores are formed, which unite in a sweet juice, the so-called “honeydew”. Insects transfer so the affection on other ovaries. The fungal fibers … Ergot