Frequency distribution | Postpartum depression

Frequency distribution The frequency distribution of postpartum depression is about 10-15% of all mothers and even 4-10% of fathers. These can have developed the depression either in the context of their own wife’s depression or on their own, without the woman being affected. In contrast, the frequency of baby blues is significantly increased. About 25-50% … Frequency distribution | Postpartum depression

Can I breastfeed with medication? | Postpartum depression

Can I breastfeed with medication? As already described in the previous paragraph, there is the problem that many antidepressants partially pass into breast milk and thus prohibit breastfeeding. So there are two possibilities: Either the mother stops breastfeeding or therapy is started with an antidepressant under which breastfeeding of the child is possible to a … Can I breastfeed with medication? | Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression

Synonyms baby blues, postpartum depression (PPD), puerperal depression Definition In most cases the terms “postpartum depression“, baby blues and postpartum depression are used equally. Strictly speaking, however, the “baby blues” only refers to an emotional, slightly depressive instability of the mother (also known as crying days) in the first two weeks after delivery, which only … Postpartum depression

Stroke of the language center

Introduction Stroke is a sudden circulatory disorder in the brain that causes the death of nerve cells in this region. There are several causes for a stroke. The most common one is the blockage of a vessel by a clot, which can occur, for example, due to cardiac arrhythmia or arteriosclerosis. Bleeding can also lead … Stroke of the language center

The long-term consequences | Stroke of the language center

The long-term consequences The long-term consequences of a stroke of the speech center vary from individual to individual and depend to a great extent on how severely the patient is affected and which additional diseases are present. In general, patients with a mild speech disorder recover better and faster. Nevertheless, even severely affected patients can … The long-term consequences | Stroke of the language center

Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Synonyms Alcohol addiction, alcohol disease, alcohol addiction, drunkenness, ethylism, dipsomania, potomania, Introduction The pathological, uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages is known in medical terminology as alcoholism. Within Germany, alcoholism is a widespread phenomenon. In the meantime, the pathological consumption of alcoholic beverages is even recognised as an independent illness. For this reason, both statutory and … Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Risks | Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Risks Excessive consumption of alcohol and especially manifested alcoholism can have a significant negative impact on the body of the person concerned. Typical risks associated with alcoholism range from withdrawal syndromes and significant changes in character to sustained damage to certain organ systems. Especially the so-called alcohol-toxic changes of character are described by many relatives … Risks | Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Treatment | Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment

Treatment The treatment of people suffering from alcoholism can and should take place on several levels. Possible therapy methods can be found in the areas of psychotherapy and drug treatment. Furthermore, participation in a self-help group for people suffering from alcoholism can be helpful, especially in the initial stages. The first step in successful alcoholism … Treatment | Alcohol addiction diagnosis and treatment