Home Pharmacy: Help for Self-Help

In emergencies with a handle the right thing for wound care; headache – the painkiller immediately at hand. A well-stocked medicine cabinet will serve you well in an emergency! Small aches and injuries can often be cured by yourself. You just have to know how. Then sometimes even the way to the doctor can be superfluous. Here are our tips around the small emergency at home:

Insect bites

  • Remove sting with tweezers, cool sting with ice. A special gel from the pharmacy stops the itching.
  • Young children need to see a doctor immediately after bee, wasp or hornet stings. The danger: violent reaction to the poison.
  • In case of allergic shock (unconsciousness, respiratory arrest): call an emergency doctor, stable side position and breathing.


Bumps and bruises

  • Signs: Bruising
  • Put ice or cold compresses on the swelling for 15 min.

Cuts and abrasions

  • Clean minor cuts under running water and allow to bleed. Disinfect the wound with
  • Disinfect wound, cover with wound plaster.
  • Apply wound ointment for abrasions.


  • Immediately cool with cold water for about 15 min, use wet cloths on the face.
  • Light, small area burns cover with cooling burn ointment.
  • Cover stronger, weeping wounds with sterile burn dressing cloth.


  • Eyes: rinse with water from the inside out.
  • Skin: rinse under running water for 15 min.
  • Internal burn: rinse mouth, give sips of tea.


  • Symptoms: Nausea, sweating, (abdominal) cramps, circulatory and respiratory problems, dizziness.
  • Keep affected person warm with a blanket.
  • Always call poison control center (07 61/1 92 40) and emergency doctor.
  • Do not let vomit without consultation, do not administer milk or other drinks.