Sensor Technology: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

In the medical field, the term sensory encompasses the totality of processes involved in sensory perception. Sensory perceptions include vision, hearing, taste, smell, and the sense of balance. What is sensory perception? In the medical field, the term sensory encompasses all the processes involved in sensory perception, such as smelling. Sensory science deals with the … Sensor Technology: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Paleocortex: Structure, Function & Diseases

The paleocortex is part of the cerebrum. Together with the archicortex, it forms the allocortex. It is responsible for olfactory processing in the brain. What is the paleocortex? The paleocortex or paleocortex is part of the cerebral cortex, the cortex cerebri. The word “paleo” translates to “primeval.” Developmentally, the cerebrum consists of the striatum, paleocortex, … Paleocortex: Structure, Function & Diseases

Olfactometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Olfactometry is a diagnostic procedure for testing the sense of smell. An olfactometer is used for this olfactory test. Different odorants can be used to accurately determine the extent of olfactory impairment or loss. What is olfactometry? Olfactometry is a diagnostic procedure used to test the sense of smell. Molecules of odorants attach to receptors … Olfactometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Spatial Orientation (Spatial Sense): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The spatial sense enables humans to orient themselves spatially. This orientation ability is an interaction of different sensory organs and can be trained to a certain extent. Poor spatial orientation does not necessarily have to be associated with disease value. What is spatial orientation? The spatial sense enables humans to orient themselves spatially. This orientation … Spatial Orientation (Spatial Sense): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Pulp necrosis

What is pulp necrosis? The term pulp necrosis describes the death of the blood and nerve vessels within the tooth pulp, the pulp that supplies the tooth with nutrients. The tooth is therefore devitalized and is no longer supplied by the body systems, which is why it no longer feels any stimuli and does not … Pulp necrosis