Pain behind the eye

Introduction Headaches are one of the most common clinical pictures in everyday practice. Chronic headaches also occur frequently in the population. The pain can be present in very different regions of the head. The pain often drags behind one or both eyes, sometimes it is less dragging than localized. Pain as a leading symptom Pain … Pain behind the eye

Irritation of the meninges

General The meninges surround the brain. They are called meninges in the technical language. There are three layers of the meninges. The innermost layer, the so-called soft meninges (pia mater), lies directly next to the brain and is responsible, among other things, for supplying the cells with nutrients. This is followed by the spider web … Irritation of the meninges

Schizoaffective Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Schizoaffective disorders are mental illnesses that manifest either monophasic or alternating phases of manic, depressive, and schizophrenic symptoms. Melancholic depressive symptoms are as much a part of the clinical picture as manic elation and schizophrenic catatonic, paranoid, or hallucinatory phenomena What is schizoaffective disorder? The term schizoaffective disorder is a collective term for mental illnesses … Schizoaffective Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Headache therapy

Introduction Almost all of us have suffered from headaches at some point. Everyone knows this feeling and knows how debilitating it can be. Mostly it is the most common form, the tension headache. It can manifest itself as a dull pain in the back of the neck that spreads to the back of the head, … Headache therapy

Relaxation techniques for headaches | Headache therapy

Relaxation techniques for headaches A conscious relaxation of the muscles and the psyche can be very helpful for tension headaches. A well-known technique is the progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson, which is based on the conscious tensing and relaxing of certain muscle groups. With this technique, one can again focus attention on the body … Relaxation techniques for headaches | Headache therapy

Avoid triggers | Headache therapy

Avoid triggers Almost more important than short-term therapy is good headache prophylaxis. Therefore it is very important to identify and avoid the triggers. As mentioned above, the tension of the neck and back muscles is often a trigger for tension headaches. This can be avoided by regular endurance sports and additionally by relaxation techniques. A … Avoid triggers | Headache therapy