Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

Definition In order for a child to develop according to its age and learn to speak correctly, intact hearing is extremely important. Temporary hearing loss, for example due to infections, is very common. However, 2-3 out of every 1000 children are born with a hearing impairment in need of treatment. Since untreated hearing disorders have … Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

TreatmentTherapy | Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?

TreatmentTherapy It is important to treat hearing disorders at an early stage to prevent possible developmental disorders. The treatment depends on the type of disease. If the tuba auditiva is closed, an attempt must be made to open it. Enlarged pharyngeal tonsils are removed, a cold or middle ear infection is treated.If these measures are … TreatmentTherapy | Recognizing hearing loss in children – Can my child hear properly?


Tonsillitis; Angina tonsillarisTonsillitis is an inflammation of the palatine tonsils (tonsils). It is caused by viruses or bacteria. In most cases it is the pathogen “Streptococcus type A”. This is mainly transmitted during the cold season by droplet infection. The affected person suffers from sore throat, fever and a general feeling of illness. The palatal … Tonsillitis

Duration | Tonsillitis

Duration The duration of acute tonsillitis varies.Initially, there is the incubation period, the time from infection to inflammation, which is about 2-4 days. Afterwards symptoms become apparent and the diagnosis of acute tonsillitis is made. The duration of the disease is about one to two weeks in total, depending on the type and fitness of … Duration | Tonsillitis

Therapy of claw toes

Claw toes can generally be treated in two different ways. A distinction must be made between conservative and surgical therapy. The conservative therapy includes all possibilities to treat the disease without surgical intervention. However, there is no healing, only an improvement of the symptoms. The claw toes can be healed by surgical measures. Conservative therapy … Therapy of claw toes

Associated symptoms | Pain on the back of the upper arm

Associated symptoms The accompanying symptoms of pain in the back of the upper arm are highly dependent on the cause of the complaints. In the case of muscular injuries, the neighbouring joints, i.e. the shoulder and elbow, are often also affected by the complaints. Temporary painful restrictions of movement can occur. If the injury to … Associated symptoms | Pain on the back of the upper arm