Tonsillitis during pregnancy | Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis during pregnancy

Pregnancy means a greater burden on the body and the immune system. Since tonsillitis is often triggered by bacteria, which multiply well, especially when the body’s own defense system is already under strain, tonsillitis is not particularly rare during pregnancy. As a rule, there is no danger either for the child or for the mother.

However, the therapy is somewhat more complicated than for non-pregnant patients. Most tonsillitis can be easily controlled with consistent self-therapy. Every intake of medication should be discussed with the treating physician in order to exclude any danger for the development of the child.

In some cases, drug therapy is advisable, since infections caused by the bacterial pathogen streptococcus can lead to complications if left untreated, which may also pose a risk to the child. Such infections can be treated with antibiotics that pose no danger to either the mother or the child. In any case, it is necessary to consult the attending physician and find a suitable, individual therapy for tonsillitis.