Therapy of a lumboischialgia

Lumboischialgia can be treated both conservatively and surgically. Conservative therapy is preferred to surgical treatment as long as no neurological deficits or paralysis occur. The conservative therapy of lumboischialgia is based on a multimodal therapy concept. This means that the therapy consists of different starting points and includes different approaches. These include the Drug therapy … Therapy of a lumboischialgia


Synonyms Commotio cerebri, skull-brain dream (SHT) Definition The term “concussion” refers to a slight craniocerebral trauma caused by external force applied to the head. In most cases, the concussion does not cause permanent damage to the brain and is considered to be completely reversible. Introduction Concussion (technical term: concussion cerebri) is one of the most … Concussion

Causes | Concussion

Causes The development of a concussion is always related to external forces acting on the head. In most cases, these are blunt force effects that are caused by a fall, a blow or an impact trauma. The brain floats inside the bony skull in the cerebrospinal fluid (technical term: liquor). This cerebrospinal fluid can absorb … Causes | Concussion

Therapy | Concussion

Therapy In the case of a patient suffering from a concussion, treatment should ideally begin at the scene of the accident. Initially, any physical activity of the affected person should be stopped immediately. If a concussion is suspected, a doctor should be consulted immediately or (if necessary) an emergency call should be made (telephone: 112). … Therapy | Concussion

History | Concussion

History An uncomplicated concussion usually heals within a few days without consequential damage. Nevertheless, affected patients should take it easy on their bodies for at least a week. Multiple concussions can, however, lead to long-term impairment of mental performance. Under certain circumstances, those affected may develop dementia. Duration Depending on its severity, a concussion can … History | Concussion

The sick leave for a cold

The common cold Colds and flu-like infections occur very frequently and are usually generalized under the term cold. These are infectious diseases that are transmitted by certain pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria, and are highly contagious. Those affected often suffer from a cold can rob you of concentration and make it necessary to take … The sick leave for a cold