History | Concussion


An uncomplicated concussion usually heals within a few days without consequential damage. Nevertheless, affected patients should take it easy on their bodies for at least a week. Multiple concussions can, however, lead to long-term impairment of mental performance. Under certain circumstances, those affected may develop dementia.


Depending on its severity, a concussion can last for different lengths of time. The average value is a duration of a concussion of 10 – 25 days. The symptoms of a mild concussion are usually over after a few days.

A mild concussion lasts on average 3 days. Exceptions confirm the rule. A severe concussion requires stationary monitoring.

The symptoms of a severe concussion require more time to subside. They can last from a few weeks to months. But regardless of the symptoms, the structures of the brain need time to regenerate.

This is important to consider in order to enable a complete, uncomplicated healing process. Even if the symptoms have subsided, it is still necessary to avoid sports, long hours of television, reading and playing for at least 1-2 weeks after the operation, even if you have a mild concussion. If a concussion does not heal sufficiently, recurring or persistent symptoms may occur.

How long are you incapacitated for work afterwards?

Usually you will be written for 2 weeks of incapacity to work. During this time you should avoid physically and mentally strenuous activities.Depending on the workplace, work activities, stress and individual factors, the incapacity to work may be prolonged.

How long should I stay in bed?

In the past, bed rest was prescribed for weeks. In some hospitals this still happens. Usually, bed rest is 1-3 days. The duration of bed rest depends on the severity of the illness and individual factors.

Can I fly with a concussion?

In case of an acute concussion, flying should be avoided if possible. Even if there are no complaints, the complete regeneration of the brain should be completed. This means that about 1-2 weeks after the concussion, a flight should be avoided as a precaution, if possible. At best, the doctor treating the patient should be consulted before a flight. If the concussion has healed completely, flying is usually not a problem.