What are Warts?

Warts are caused by a viral infection, but have less to do with hygiene than with a weakened immune system. Our body’s susceptibility to warts can be triggered by mental stress, excessive physical exertion, pregnancy, serious surgery or certain systemic diseases. However, factors that cause a metabolic disorder or injury to the skin surface are … What are Warts?

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Symptoms Basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma) is a light skin cancer, which presents differently and is most common in older people. It is the most common cancer in fair-skinned people. The skin lesion usually grows slowly and may manifest itself, for example, as a waxy, translucent and pearly nodule with dilated blood vessels (telangiectasia) … Basal Cell Carcinoma


Overview The nail is a cornification product of the epidermis, the uppermost layer of the skin. The curved and approximately 0.5-mm-thick nail plate of the fingernails and toenails rests on the nail bed, which is bounded laterally and proximally by the nail wall, a fold of skin. The nail bed is covered by epithelium (stratum … Nails

The dermis of the human being

Definition – What is the dermis? The dermis is one of the largest human organs, the skin, and is therefore vital. As in every mammal, the skin consists of different layers – one of which is the dermis. It is precisely this layer of skin that is tanned in the leather production process that gives … The dermis of the human being


Definition Hyperkeratosis is a thickening of the outer layer of the skin, more precisely the horny layer, which contains, among other things, keratin (hence the word “hyper” – too much and “keratosis” – horn). Normally, the corneal layer plays a protective role, but various causes can lead to a disorder and thus increased formation of … Hyperkeratosis

The treatment of hyperkeratosis | Hyperkeratosis

The treatment of hyperkeratosis The treatment of hyperkeratosis again depends on the form: In corns, the treatment depends on the depth of the hyperkeratosis. In the case of very deep-seated corns, surgical removal can bring relief. For smaller corns, certain solutions or patches may be sufficient. For calluses, mechanical removal and comfortable shoes are often … The treatment of hyperkeratosis | Hyperkeratosis