Sobelin® (Clindamycin) and Lincosamine

Sobelin® is the trade name of the active ingredient clindamycin, which belongs to the antibiotic group of lincosamine. Lincomycin, known under the name Albiotic®, can also be added. Effect Lincosamines are characterized by their good tissue mobility. While other antibiotics do not reach certain regions of the body, e.g. teeth and bones, Sobelin® penetrates them … Sobelin® (Clindamycin) and Lincosamine

Interactions | Sobelin® (Clindamycin) and Lincosamine

Interactions Since antibiotics of the group of macrolides have a similar effect to lincosamine, a combined administration is not advisable, as both drugs can weaken each other in their effect. Oral contraceptives (“pill”) influence the intestinal flora and the circulation of the hormone estrogen. Combined administration with lincosamines can result in a reduced effect of … Interactions | Sobelin® (Clindamycin) and Lincosamine