
Products Chlorine gas is available from specialty retailers as a liquid in compressed gas cylinders. Structure and properties Chlorine (Cl, 35.45 u) is a chemical element with atomic number 17 that belongs to the halogens and nonmetals and exists as a yellow-green gas with a strong and irritating odor. Molecularly, it is diatomic (Cl2 resp. … Chlorine

Dakin Solution

Products Dakin solution is available in pharmacies and drugstores as a homemade product. Finished medicines are also commercially available in some countries. The solution was developed by British chemist Henry Drysdale Dakin and French physician Alexis Carrel for wound treatment during the First World War. It saved countless lives in wartime surgery. Today, however, it … Dakin Solution

Chlorine Allergy

Symptoms The so-called “chlorine allergy” manifests itself after a visit to the swimming pool in the following possible complaints: Skin reactions such as redness, eczema, itching, dry skin and hives. Eye irritation Upper and lower respiratory tract irritation: cough, bronchospasm. Exacerbation or triggering of pulmonary or allergic diseases. Causes The water in many swimming pools … Chlorine Allergy