Exercise Program for Breast Cancer

Exercise is good for you! However, cancer severely compromises fitness. It is important to take the exercise program slowly and not be overzealous. The following is an exercise program for breast cancer patients.


Endurance training is effective and easy to implement. Therefore, it plays an important role in the rehabilitation of cancer patients – such as patients with breast cancer. After only four to six weeks, the first successes are seen with regularly performed endurance training. Endurance training has a positive influence on the organ, hormone and nervous systems, as well as the psyche and musculoskeletal system.

Exercise 1 – Endurance training Endurance sports such as walking, Nordic walking, cross-country skiing or cycling are highly recommended if the training is performed with little use of the arms. Keep the following motto in mind: “Run without huffing and puffing”: The rule of thumb is 180 minus age (pulse should not exceed 150 beats per minute in any case) Notes: Before you start training, you should have a stress ECG performed by a physician who specializes in this area in order to rule out possible cardiological diseases! At the very least, your family doctor or oncologist should pronounce a “no objection” and give the green light.


Surgery primarily means damage to the patient’s coordination and motor skills. Even if performance is still maintained, coordination may have suffered due to damage to nerve pathways during surgery. In this case, exercises to regain mobility are helpful.

Exercise 2 – Guided arm circling

  • Stand loosely and extend your arms out to the side
  • Slowly start circling forward with your arms, let the circles get bigger and bigger
  • Then let the circles become smaller again
  • Now move your arms in the other direction
  • Perform the exercise for 30 seconds, followed by a 30-second break
  • Repeat the series three times
Exercise 3 – Arm lift

  • Stand with knees slightly bent hip-width apart, tighten buttocks and abdomen, and bring the extended right arm forward upward while moving the left arm backward backward
  • Open and close your hands alternately
  • Then change directions
  • Repeat the exercise five times and then pause for 30 seconds
  • Repeat each series three times

Hints: Perform the two coordination exercises very slowly. Here it is the accuracy of the movement and not the speed that matters! Be sure to breathe evenly and strive to move both arms in equal circles. To help, you can also stand in front of a mirror to check your movements. It is important that these exercises are not too strenuous for you, otherwise your coordination skills will weaken. If necessary, take a break until you feel fit again, then repeat the exercise.


Controlled strength training is a key contributor to maintaining or achieving mobility and safety. Amazing progress can be observed after just a few weeks of training with a comparably small amount of time.

Exercise 4 – Strengthening the leg muscles.

  • Lean with your back against a wall – feet hip-width apart

  • Slowly bend your knees to a maximum of 90° (your back remains in contact with the wall)

  • Hold this position for 15-20 seconds

  • Keep breathing calmly – do not hold your breath!!!

  • Then slowly stretch your legs again

  • Take a minute break

  • Repeat the exercise three times

Exercise 5 – Strengthening the muscles of the chest.

  • Stand about one meter away from a wall
  • Extend your arms forward toward the wall and brace yourself against the wall more than shoulder-width apart
  • The fingertips point upwards
  • Tighten the buttocks and abdomen firmly and hold this tension during the exercise
  • Slowly move your upper body forward toward the wall by bending your arm joints
  • Then stretch your arms again through
  • Repeat this exercise 15 times and then take a break for 1 minute
  • Repeat the series three times

Hints: When performing the strength exercises, make sure you perform the movements slowly and not jerkily. Avoid press breathing and always exhale during flexion of the arms and inhale during extension of the arms. Do not overexert yourself!

Exercise 6 – Strengthening the muscles of the back.

  • Stand with knees (slightly) bent shoulder-width apart, hands resting at the sides of the thighs

  • Tense the abdomen and buttocks and hold this tension

  • Now tilt your upper body forward, but continue to keep it straight

  • Your gaze is directed to the floor

  • When you have about a 90° angle at the hip joint, try to bring your arms to your sides, stretched forward

  • Hold this position for five seconds and then slowly bring your arms back and straighten up again

Hints: Perform this exercise very slowly and keep breathing steadily. It is essential that the back is straight and does not form a hunchback. Repeat this exercise five times. Take five to 10 seconds rest between repetitions.


These exercises are designed to restore flexibility to the arms and shoulders. In addition, stretching exercises also promote body awareness and should not be missing in a complete training program, otherwise growing muscles will shorten over time.

Exercise 7 – Stretching in the arm area

  • Stand comfortably and hip-width

  • Tighten your abdomen and buttocks

  • Bring both arms behind your back and grab the wrist of the other with one hand

  • Now pull the arm towards the floor, leaving the stretched arm completely relaxed

Note: Be careful not to raise your shoulders!

Exercise 8 – Stretching in the shoulder area

  • Stand comfortably with legs slightly open

  • Fold your hands in front of your body as if in prayer, turn your hands outward and extend your arms forward
  • Now pull your shoulder blades apart, letting your head hang down, make your upper body really round

  • Hold this position for five seconds and then slowly straighten your upper body.

Hints: Perform the stretches slowly and avoid jerky movements. Go only until you feel a pleasant tug. Do not stretch beyond the pain threshold. Repeat the stretch three times and then shake out your arms and shoulders vigorously.


Relaxation exercises are excellent for achieving a harmonious conclusion to the exercise session. Relaxation is the ability to indulge in a state of physical and mental relaxation. Special exercises provide pleasant sensations such as warmth, heaviness or lightness. Relaxation is the first step in regeneration and is usually gladly and gratefully accepted as a “mental break” by women affected by breast cancer.

Exercise 9 – Relaxation 1

  • Sit comfortably on a chair with your legs slightly open and let your arms hang beside your body
  • Tilt your head down and slowly make a hunchback vertebra by vertebra
  • Pause briefly in this position while continuing to breathe in a relaxed manner
  • Straighten up again and repeat the exercise
Exercise 10 – Relaxation 2

  • Lie comfortably on your back and close your eyes

  • Breathe in and out in a calm and relaxed manner.

  • Now tense any muscle group (for example, clench your right hand into a fist and thus tense the right arm).

  • Hold the tension for seven to ten seconds and relax again

  • Over the next few minutes, trace how the relaxation develops at this point

  • Repeat this exercise with the other side or other muscle groups (for example, press a heel on the mat to activate their leg muscles or pull a shoulder to the ear, etc.).