Wool Flower (Mullein)

Stem plant Scrophulariaceae, common mullein, L. Scrophulariaceae, large-flowered mullein. Medicinal drug Verbasci flos, woolly mullein flowers. The dried flowers reduced to the corolla petals with stamens attached by L. Bertol. ( Schrad.). Preparations Species pectorales PH Ingredients Iridoid glycosides Phenylethanoid glycosides Mucilages Saponins Flavonoids Effects Anti-irritant Expectorant Fields of application Catarrh, acute bronchitis, cough, cold, … Wool Flower (Mullein)

Tea Blends

Known tea blends Laxative tea PH (Species laxantes). Calming tea PH (Species sedativae) Bladder tea PH (Species anticystiticae) Flatulence tea PH (Species carminativae) Breast tea PH (Species pectorales) Women’s tea (according to Künzle) Diuretic tea PH (Species diureticae) Kidney and bladder tea Pregnancy tea Diaphoretic tea (Species diaphoreticae). Species Rütimeyer BMF Breastfeeding tea

Senega Root

Products Senega root is available as an open product in pharmacies and drugstores. Root extracts are commercially available in the form of bronchial pastilles, tea mixtures, as cough syrup and cough drops, among others. Stem plant The parent plant is from the Polygalaceae family and is native to the forests of North America and Canada. … Senega Root

Sand Strawflower

Stem plant Asteraceae, sand strawflower. Medicinal drug Helichrysi flos PH – Yellow cat’s paw flower PH: Yellow cat’s paw flower consists of the dried inflorescences of moench. The drug has a faint aromatic and tart odor and a faint bitter and aromatic taste. Preparations Species pectorales PH Ingredients Flavonoids Bitters Essential oil Effects weakly choleretic … Sand Strawflower