Speech Disorders: Causes, Treatment & Help

Speech disorders, speech defects, and language disorders can occur both congenitally and as a result of disadvantaged and underwhelming language development in children. Typical speech disorders for this are stuttering, lisping and stammering. However, accidents and illnesses can also cause speech and language to regress in the course of life. Typical diseases that have speech … Speech Disorders: Causes, Treatment & Help

Dysarthria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The term dysarthria covers a range of disorders in speech. Writing, reading, grammar and language comprehension are not affected. Only the motor function of speech is disturbed due to impairment of cranial nerves or damage to the brain. What is dysarthria? Speaking is a highly complex interaction of more than a hundred muscles, the larynx, … Dysarthria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Carey-Fineman Ziter Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Carey-Fineman-Ziter syndrome is a malformation syndrome characterized by decreased muscle tone and is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Since only 20 cases have been documented since the initial description, the cause of the disorder has not yet been determined. A causal therapy for the syndrome does not yet exist. What is Carey-Fineman ziter syndrome? … Carey-Fineman Ziter Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Developmental Disabilities in Children: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Developmental disorders in children are to be distinguished from growth disorders in children. The latter mainly refers to physical development, whereas developmental disorders mainly address mental, cognitive, motor, sensory, emotional and social aspects. What are developmental disabilities? Developmental disorders in children manifest themselves in lowly developed functions in one or more different areas of life. … Developmental Disabilities in Children: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Psycholinguistic Analysis of Childhood Speech Disorders: Treatment, Effects & Risks

In the psycholinguistic analysis of childhood speech disorders, the speech therapist asks the child to name a total of 99 items, each of which he transcribes phonologically and records on tape. The tester analyzes the recorded data psycholinguistically with the help of his tables and in this way determines the child’s speech status, classifying any … Psycholinguistic Analysis of Childhood Speech Disorders: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Ankyloglosson: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ankyloglosson is a developmental disorder of the tongue that is already congenital. This results in an attached lingual frenulum that affects the movements of the tongue. What is ankyloglosson? Ankyloglosson is also known in the medical community as ankyloglossum or ankyloglossia. This is a congenital tongue development disorder in which there is a fixation of … Ankyloglosson: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Remedial Education: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Special education is a subfield of pedagogy, which sees itself as “pedagogy under difficult conditions”. Curative educators thus operate at the interface between pedagogy, special education and psychology and devote their work to children, adolescents and adults who have behavioral problems, are developmentally impaired or are affected or threatened by disability. What is special education? … Remedial Education: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Dysgrammatism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

If dysgrammatism is present, the acquisition of the grammatical rule system is delayed or impeded. This means that correct sentence structure may be disturbed. As a result, parts of sentences are rearranged and omitted. What is dysgrammatism? Dysgrammatism belongs to the language development disorders. This is noticeable in the affected person by the fact that … Dysgrammatism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Polter: Causes, Treatment & Help

Poluttering is a speech fluency disorder that, like stuttering, is one of the psychological behavior disorders. Patients do not speak fluently, often swallow syllables, and like to blend words so that others do not understand them. A combination of psycho-social therapy and speech therapy steps are used to treat patients. What is poluttering? Speech is … Polter: Causes, Treatment & Help